Archive for May, 2007

Asia Sexiest’s Vegetarian

by on Saturday, May 5th, 2007

The Asia Sexiest’s Vegetarian is Maggie Q, the actress from Die Hard 4.0 and Mission Impossible 3. She was a model and an actress at Hong Kong and very famous with her unique style because she’s half Vietnamese-American.

I have to say that her body is stunning, firm and sexy. If she’s a vegetarian and own a figure like that, I think many girls want to be a vegan too.

Maggie Q is also one of many movie stars who have created the advertisement with PETA to preserve people to be vegetarians. She claimed that she feel so sad for the fact that there are many animals were killed each year in China which is the reason make her stop eat meat. She said being a vegan change her life in better way, she has more energy and feel good that she does something to help people stop killing animals.

Don’t forget to check out the advertisement she has created with PETA, it’s the shot she lied down naked cover some parts of her body with red chili. Red Chili is really hot but Maggie Q can prove how hot the vegetarians are.

Earth Save Vegetarian Festival in Louisville, KY

by on Saturday, May 5th, 2007

Looking for the next vegetarian festival to attend? Invite your family and bring some friends to these upcoming national veggie-food fests, where you can mingle with other non-meat eaters, pick up a few recipe ideas, taste test exotic vegetarian dishes, partake in fun carnival rides, sample new vegetarian restaurant menu items, sign-up for a cooking class, or visit and ask questions at a vegetarian nutrition booth. Much to see and do, plus good healthy fun for the whole family. I will post an upcoming vegetarian festival every week.

This weeks upcoming vegetarian festival.

May 28, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky
@ Sluggers Field
Earth Save Taste of Health Festival

Green Webhost: DreamHost

by on Saturday, May 5th, 2007

I think it is pretty cool that DreamHost has gone green. I can’t say that i fully understand what it means to be a green host, as i am still learning about the different environmental issues, but i duly note the effort, and the progressive nature of the move. DreamHost has always been a pretty liberal and fun organization, i use to host with them for a previous site i had, and i always looked forward to their off-beat wacky newsletters. This will be filed under green living. Any comments on this?

read more digg story

Who Says Vegetarians Aren’t Funny?

by on Friday, May 4th, 2007

Here are a few funny vegetarian quotes i came across over at

my favorite: With all this crap they put in meat, like hormones for fast growing, antibiotics, etc… we will all go down, there’s only the vegetarians that will survive – so let me give you a good piece of advice: if you want to eat some healthy meat, eat a vegetarian! -JeanLuc LeMoine, French humorist

What’s the difference between boogers and broccoli ?
-Kids don’t eat broccoli.

What did the lettuce say to the celery?
-Are you stalking me?

Why did the Tomato go out with a prune?
-Because he couldn’t find a date!

I’m not a vegetarian because I love animals,
it’s because I hate vegetables!

– Woody Allen

Visit HappyCow for the
The Top 10 Vegetarian Pick-up Lines

Get a FREE link in NEW Green Living Directory before they are gone.

by on Thursday, May 3rd, 2007

Do you have a site about organics, green living, vegetarianism, vegetarianism, health, cooking, fitness, recipes, or nutrition?The NEW Green Living Directory, which is hosted on Google Docs allows for easy web access to the directory for editing or adding links. Normally permanent links will go for $5. You claim a word and a link is placed directly to your site or blog. Links are good for search engine ranking and for boosting your popularity within the blog sphere. Claim your word today, go to the directory by clicking link above. Note links must be topic related. Also, feel free to promote the word cloud directory on your own site or blog, as the more folks see it, the more benefit we all get from it.digg story