Author Archive

As a vegetarian, do i need to take vitamin supplements?

by on Wednesday, November 21st, 2007

This is a good question and one i often see in online forums and message boards. I myself do take a multi-vitamin daily and have since before becoming a vegetarian, as i feel sometimes, on certain days, i may not eat a balanced meal. So the vitamin supplement makes for up for incomplete, lost, or missed nutrients. Vitamin B-12 is one, vegans (those that do not consume dairy), need to be especially mindful of, as it is only found in animal-based protein. On my research for this entry on Vitamin B 12, i found this article that does a good job of explaining the importance and also the consequences of a Vitamin B12 deficiency, the author states that “it would be better for the lactose-ovo-vegetarian to rely on low-fat dairy products for their source of B12. Vegetarians who use a B12 supplement should ensure that it contains an active form of the vitamin-namely, cyanocobalamin or hydrodynamical”. A B12 supplement of five micrograms taken daily is probably adequate. Some suggest that B12 supplements should be thoroughly chewed for better absorption.”

Vegan Croquettes

by on Wednesday, November 14th, 2007

Save-This-Recipe Round-Up – Fatfree Vegan Kitchen

Oh my deliciousness, Fat Free Vegan asked her readers a few weeks ago, to try and make some Pumpkin Croquettes, but to replace the pumpkin with some other ingredient. The entries piled in and some juicy delish creations were chanelled. Including a red beans and rice croquette, a Southern black-eyed pea croquette, a Thai peanut croquette, and over a dozen more. Really interesting mix of ingredients were chosen.

Visit the vegan croquettes page to see them all, pics and recipes included.

Join the Train of 10 Fun Facts About Broccoli

by on Saturday, November 10th, 2007

If i get a ton of responses, i will do a follow-up post and feature your contributions with a link to your blog. How cool is that? I also plan to do more fun facts on a variety of vegetables. Stay tuned.

Also, are you in my top spots? I added a top spot section to the blog, for one buck, you can have your blog or site, listed for 30 days. This is an easy way to support Veggie-Blogs.

What fun facts do you have about Broccoli?

Groovy Vegetarian, New Blog Up and Running

by on Saturday, September 8th, 2007

My new  Groovy Vegetarian, is up and running over at wordpress. I invite all of you to come on by and visit me there, as i no longer post here. This was my first blog, i set it up back in April and although i like blogger and have other blogs on this platform, i decided to venture out and try wordpress. So far, i love it.

I still focus on discussing all things vegetarian lifestyle related with green and eco friendly living mixed in.

Peace. Love.Hugs.

Groovy Vegetarian Blog Review

by on Friday, July 20th, 2007

The review i ordered from a community blogger on my Groovy Vegetarian Blog is up and available for reading. The review includes a blog screenshot, an assessment of upcoming features including the vegetarian resources section, a vegetarian shop, and the fabulous (free vegan ice cream giveaway) planned for August. An easy and quick read.

read more | digg story