Get a FREE link in NEW Green Living Directory before they are gone.
Do you have a site about organics, green living, vegetarianism, vegetarianism, health, cooking, fitness, recipes, or nutrition?The NEW Green Living Directory, which is hosted on Google Docs allows for easy web access to the directory for editing or adding links. Normally permanent links will go for $5. You claim a word and a link is placed directly to your site or blog. Links are good for search engine ranking and for boosting your popularity within the blog sphere. Claim your word today, go to the directory by clicking link above. Note links must be topic related. Also, feel free to promote the word cloud directory on your own site or blog, as the more folks see it, the more benefit we all get from it.digg story
May 3rd, 2007 at 23:54
Hey, I wouldn’t mind a free linking.
How do I go about doing this, I am a tad confused.
May 4th, 2007 at 00:47
Hi—Samantha: I would be happy to put your link up on the directory. Just provide me the link and a brief 4 word description and i’ll put it up. You can view the page by going to my blogs homepage, and near the top, there is a link entitled link directory in blue text. click there. Thx!