The Cure for Cancer Spiritual Detox
For so long, cancer has been plaguing mankind – affecting millions of people and their families. While others have been continually searching for its cure, some, like author Angela Weise, have already found the answers. She now shares the enlightening cure for this affliction in Spiritual Detox the Cure for Cancer and Everything Else.
The cure is not in this world; it is not in the physical body. The Divine cure is within you, in your soul, in your mind; and you are the only one who can cure yourself. Spiritual Detox is the way for the cure, Spiritual Detox means cleansing the way to salvation,” the author reveals.
Spiritual Detox the Cure for Cancer and Everything Else brings readers to rediscover love, gratitude, reconciliation, and one’s “True-Image.” It is a personal gem for open-minded people, those whose loved ones are struggling with the disease, and those who are fighting cancer themselves.
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