Vegetarianism takes three steps back. Mars chocolate bars will now have animal product in them.

by Newlife on May 15th, 2007

The makers of the popular chocolate bar Mars, have sadly decided to add rennet which comes from calves stomach. When i first read this, aside from making me sick, it really felt like a major step back in time. What an unprogressive move by such a mammoth company. What kind of precedence does this set for other chocolate makers? What is the benefit to this move, besides profit? Will others now get on the bandwagon? Sad indeed.

3 Responses to “Vegetarianism takes three steps back. Mars chocolate bars will now have animal product in them.”

  1. Jolly Green Girl Says:

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  2. borzack Says:

    Not a good move. I’m sure muslims will not buy them as well, as the use of a not properly slaughtered animal is considered as ‘haram’.

    Healthy Lifestyle Blogzine

  3. m38967 Says:

    hi—-borzack: i did not know this about the muslim culture. i learn something new everyday. btw: are you muslim?

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