Cholestrol Busters-A 15 Detox

by Bibbi on October 17th, 2012

Over the past decades there has been a growing concern world over about the higher deposits of cholesterol in human body resulting in life-threatening diseases in millions of people. The solution is to understand the genesis of the problem and devise ways to be free from it

The author opines that it is not only higher intake of fats but other factors such as excess weight, lack of exercise, alcohol, smoking and stress which lead to high level of cholesterol in human body. She further focuses on cholesterol-bursting food and suggests a fifteen-days DETOX programme yielding fantastic results in 6-8 weeks.

About The Author
SUNITA PANT BANSAL did graduation with honours in Food and Nutrition and postgraduation in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition. She subsequently worked as an honorary Dietician at Sir Ganga Ram and G.B. Pant Hospitals, and began writing on Health and Nutrition, with articles and columns appearing in major newspapers and magazines (over 600 articles). She has also aired programmes on Health on All India Radio and Doordarshan. She joined ‘The Times of India’ for sometime as Editor, Health, ‘Saturday Times’. She has the honour of being the only Indian dietician with Indian qualifications to become a member of the British Dietetic Association, UK. She has also authored Healing Power of Foods and Diet in Diseases books published by Pustak Mahal.

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