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Why Japanese people have long lives

by on Thursday, May 8th, 2008

Japanese people have long lives because of their good eating habits. The people of Japan live love lives and have a low rate of heart disease. So we will find out what Japanese food is and what the eating habit of them is.

Japanese food is mainly containing with rice and soup. In every meal of Japanese people will contain with rice and soup. The three main ingredients of the Japanese soup are Shitake mushroom, dried bonito and kelp. Besides from rice and soup, Japanese people also eat the side dish which is containing with tofu, salad, seafood and meat.

Beverage is also important and Japanese people love to drink sake. Sake is the Japanese whiskey in which the ingredients are rice and mochi. Sake should be consumed soon after the production in order to maintain the quality of the nutrition. One more popular beverage of Japanese people is tea. Japan is the country who plants the tea and exporting to other countries. Japan is popular in the quality tea and Japanese people always drink it.

How to get rid of stress

by on Thursday, May 8th, 2008

Stress is the most common symptom which can harm people’s health and it’s the no.1 symptom in the world which causes people to be sick. But before we get rid of the stress, we have to know first why we get stress, for me I get stress from work and I think other people are same as me. Nothing can cause stress to people more than working. Work always comes with problem and when you go to see the doctor, they say the same that you have to stop working if you don’t want to worsen your health but no one can do that. We can’t stop working if we want to provide our living.

Since we can’t stop working, we have to find other way to get rid of stress. First we have to know that the stress occurs between the person and the environment surrounding you. Stress can affect both physical strength and general health. The most basic thing which you can do to get rid of stress is that taking a deep breath and taking a break at least 5 minutes in every hour.

The nationality which have most stress due to work is Japanese people, they work very hard if compare with other nationalities but they are still the group of people who live longer than the people from other nationalities. Why can they do that? We will find out in next post.

Tasty Veggie burgers

by on Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

Did you know that you can eat a tasty burger without eating meat at all? Well I can tell you that you can and I can ensure you that they taste betters than a meat burger. You can make these tasty burgers in many ways, for example with nuts, potatoes, soy, vegetables, mushrooms and eggs. I can guarantee a very tasty result which we blow away your average meat burger. Not are you eating healthier but you also protect animals and support the environment. Veggie burgers are not a new invention because the first veggie burgers were actually made way back in 1982 so next time when you feel hungry for a burger try a veggie burger. Now you can even buy them at Burger King.

Skinny Bitch and Vegan

by on Sunday, April 20th, 2008

The skinny bitches who wrote “skinny bitch” have now sold over 850,000 copies of their diet veggie book. They also report that Victoria Beckham has bought the book so if she bought the book it has to be good right?

They have now made a sequel to their first book called skinny bitch in the kitch. This book is also doing well and despite the ridicules name the book actually sells very good. The books show you healthy veggie recipes and talks about how bad the average person is eating today. So if your belly is getting big and you feel like going veggie style all the way, you better read these books first.

Paul McCartney talks about vegans

by on Friday, April 11th, 2008

Paul McCartney was recently interviewed by ITN News about how veganism can help saving the planet. Did you know that Paul McCartney has been a veggie for over 30 years now? He however claims that the US has now admitted cattle rearing are devastating the planet. He wants people to listen and understand. Paul McCartney’s wife is also a veggie and according to Paul, his wife managed to turn the whole family into veggies!

Paul also talks about that being a veggie is clearly better for your health and claims that if humans not start to change the way they eat there will be catastrophic for the planet. Paul’s firs thought is about the children of the future because if we continue like this it could be harmful to them.