Author Archive

Mars Bar, Once Again Vegetarian Friendly.

by on Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

The vegetarian community has rallied and won a big one. Their will be no animal product added to Mars Bars or their other chocolate bars. The manufacturer, under pressure from the Veg Society and over 6,000 angry but chocolate-loving vegetarians, has retracted the decision to add calve stomach to their products. Major victory for meat-free lovers everywhere.

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Vegetarian and Vegan Food Blogs Showcase

by on Tuesday, May 1st, 2007

I come across a delicious mix of vegetarian and vegan food blogs on a daily basis and i want to briefly showcase some of them today. Many of these bloggers are skilled photographers in their own right and they regularly present wonderful, unique, and many times low-calorie vegetarian or vegan recipes with the accompanying pics. Here are some Mexican, Southern, and European influenced vegetarian and/ or vegan recipes. I’ll try and showcase scrumptious meat-free food blogs every week. Bon Appetite!

Thai Vegans

by on Monday, April 30th, 2007

For the tourist who would like to go to Thailand, don’t worry that you will not be able to find vegetarian food to eat because there is a lot of vegan food there. Thailand has about 175 vegetarian restaurants, 72 vegan restaurants for its capital city.

With the number of the vegan restaurants in Thailand, it can prove that many Thais are interested in eating vegan food. Even there are no animal organizations which have worked effectively like PETA in Thailand; there are still a group of Thai people who are interested of being a vegan.

In Thailand, there are two group of vegan. First is the group of people, who is 100% vegan, they will eat everything but animals. Second is the people who eat animals but not big animals like cows.

Taco Bell – Revised Nutrition Guide Dated 4/07

by on Friday, April 27th, 2007

If you are headed to “The Bell” soon, you will be happy to know they have updated their nutrition guide and they boast about having an (unarguably impressive) “27 items under 10 grams of fat” and that they now “use zero grams trans fat canola oil”. The guide is listed in their website for you to check out.

The vegetarian fast food items they carry include:

  • 1/2 lb cheesy bean & rice burrito
  • mexican rice
  • pinto’s n cheese
  • bean burrito
  • cheesy fiesta potatoes
  • cheese quesadilla.
  • dessert items include cinammon twists and a caramel empanada

Now you can enjoy them with less fat than ever, “Say Fresco” is a new diet helper they are introducing wherein you request that they replace “cheese and sauce” with “Fietsa Salsa” (diced tomatoes, white onions, and cilantro) and “you can reduce the fat by 25% on most menu items”, including the vegetarian items i mentioned above. They also have a hotline you can call to ask any questions you have about their product ingredients or nutritional content. The hotline number is 1-800-822-6235.

What Vegetarian Soup Flavor are You?

by on Tuesday, April 24th, 2007

Take the quiz What Vegetarian Soup Flavor are You, by Fantastic World Foods, and see which flavor soup are you. The makers of all natural organic and yummy veggie soups have created this cute quiz to introduce you to their line of chef-created meatless soups. They have over 20 different soup cup flavors and specialize in vegetarian and organic entrees and meals.

Fantastic World Foods based in Napa, CA has been around since 1975. The company was started by a young hippie named Jim Rosen, and since then has grown into a company that produces more than 90 all natural products.

Their product line includes soup cups, soup and dip mixes, traditional meals, gift packs, and organic rice meal items.

These soups are quick, inexpensive, and best of all, delicious.