Melamine found in food outside China

by Newlife on November 8th, 2008

The Chinese milk scare does not stop just in China. Factories that buy from China sells in every country and the milk are mixed in animal food and to make chocolate for example.

Melamine has been found in Thai eggs from China and in Chocolate from Switzerland. The problem is that the government can not find the products fast enough before people have been affected.

So how can you be sure there is no melamine in you food? The best way for now is to avoid products from China. You can do that by check the barcode on your products.

I went down to the shop yesterday and 80 % of the food I was thinking of buying was from China. I have no idea that that much food was made in China.

Check the bar code

If its 690, 691and 692 then its MADE IN CHINA while 471 is made in Taiwan and here is some random countries that make a lot of food.

00 ~ 09 USA & CANADA
30 ~ 37 FRANCE
40 ~ 44 GERMANY
49 – JAPAN
50 – UK

So if you want to take care of your health avoid products made in China right now.

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