The Crystal Mesa Crystal Yoga I

by Bibbi on August 6th, 2012

We are all possessors of a mystical inner world where the primal powers of Heaven and Earth summon us to embrace the fullness of our potential. The experiential journey of Crystal Yoga begins with the 33 crystals of the archetypal Crystal Mesa, a functioning temple in miniature, well adapted to pathworking and ritual. Drawing from Lemurian, Atlantean and ancient Mystery School sources, as well as the Andean and Central American traditions, Crystal Yoga progresses through a series of attunements which activate the jewel in the Lotus of the spiritual heart and open all parts of the being to alignment with the soul. The Crystal Mesa can be used to balance energy and heal, to align mind and heart, to clarify intent, deepen discernment, and integrate various auric light bodies and chakras, thereby preparing the human vessel for ascension. It is a powerful conduit of mystical experience and arcane wisdom, of which it is a sacred storehouse; by deepening meditation, it works to open its user to the domains of the various crystals and minerals with their rich teachings and healing capacities.

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