Yoga’s Answers Inner Quest

by Bibbi on June 20th, 2012

Yoga is not just a physical exercise, nor is it a religion. Yoga is a philosophy of life and a systematic science that enables us to realize our true nature and experience our union with the Divine. Inner Quest weaves together hundreds of answers to the questions that well up from within our heart as we travel the spiritual path, including reincarnation, relationships, karma, death and dying, understanding the mind and more. To help us on our quest for self-realization, Pandit Tigunait draws on the knowledge he has gathered from the scriptures, from accomplished teachers, and from his own spiritual findings as well as his experiences with other seekers and students on the path.

Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Piritual head of the Himalayan Institute, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait is the successor of Sri Swami Rama. He holds two doctorates, one from the University of Allahabad in India and the other from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a regular contributor to Yoga International magazine, the author of numerous books including the best-selling, At the Eleventh Hour and the force behind Sacred Link-The Healing Revolution.

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