Author Archive

Be a Veggie and Live Longer!

by on Wednesday, February 27th, 2008

I have something very surprisingly and interesting to tell you. Did you know that if you change your diet from the average American over to a veggie diet you can actually gain 13 more years on this earth!? These words are taken from Michael F. Roizen book called The Real Age Diet. The more meat you eat the worse your immune system gets that is why most old people die of sickness and not face a peaceful death. You want a peaceful death 13 years after your meat eating friend dies right? Try to convince you family and friend for a longer and better life, think about all the joy you can have in those 13 years and think about what it would mean for your children and the rest of your family.

Don’t say if you never eat Fast food at least once in your lifetime

by on Wednesday, February 6th, 2008

What do you think about Fast foods like McDonald, KFC, Burger King, Wendy and others? And I have to ask another question that have you ever watched the movie “Super Size me”? It’s nothing but McDonald. The movie shows that McDonald harms your health if you eat it every day. So it means that it’s impossible for you to eat McDonald every day even it’s the food.

And also realize that the set of McDonald is not the same in each country. Each country has different size in one set. Anyhow, even there are some movies to show the harmful of Fast Food but still people love to eat Fast Food, no one can stop the people’s likeliness in taste of food even they know it harms your health. I have to admit I can’t avoid eating Fast Food sometimes and also can’t deny feeling guilty afterward.

So I set my own rule that I can eat fast food only once a month or less than that. What about you? Do you still eating fast food? And if yes, how often you eat?

Papaya good fruit to make your digestion system works well

by on Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

Papaya is the best fruit for anyone who needs to lose weight. It works very well with the digestion system which means it will make you go to toilet very often. When you feel hungry, instead of eating normal food like hamburger, bread or rice, eat the papaya instead.

Besides from its quality, it is also cheap compare with any other fruits or food you always buy. It can guarantee by many girls and work so well on them as well. If you never eat papaya before, you should try. I tried it several times and it works with me so well especially in the first few days I ate them. It’s not making you feel pain like when you have diarrhea but make your digestion works well as normal people are supposed to. Normally people’s digestions don’t work very well because they are lack of fruits like papaya. Don’t worry if you go to toilet often but make sure it’s not too often or make you powerless not even can walk like being diarrhea but I’m sure papaya doesn’t hurt you like that. It’s good for health and also can lose weight if you know how to use it.

For people who need to lose weight, it doesn’t mean that you can eat papaya after your big meal and you will lose weight. Papaya is not working as the poison pill which makes you pooping all the time but just make your digestion works well. So don’t misunderstanding about that, you just should eat less than before and fill your stomach with papaya instead.

How can people eat human flesh?

by on Monday, January 28th, 2008

Just saw a very scary movie on UBC television. It was a movie I guessed based on the true story about the guys that met on the internet and one eat the other.
The movie ended when he run out of meat but I we all have seen in the media what really happened.

I really do not understand what you can for pleasure of eating another human being or being eaten. But I can not even understand how people can eat even meat balls.

The movie is maybe good for the veggie movement because people will feel so bad that they stop eating meat when they see him cooking the human flesh and then eating it.

If you have seen the movie or seen it on other Media let me know I want to hear your opinion.

Support Animal rights

by on Monday, January 21st, 2008

Even you are not a vegetarian, you can still support and stop the animal tests. Animal tests normally occurs in case there are some companies need to launch the new products and want to make sure that it will not harm people but take the animals as the victim instead. 

The animal tests can show that animals’ lives mean nothing to someone and they don’t care that if the animals die as long as they get the benefits.  You can support by stop buying the product which had animal tests.

I totally against on the animal tests on cosmetic because.  If you have bad skin and bad health, there are not any cosmetic brands to help you out with that.  Beauty comes from inside, eat good food which will nourish your health and your skin.  It affects to your whole body and you will look beautiful even without makeup.  Being a vegetarian can help too, vegan can lose weight; get fresh skin and more energy. 

I still buy cosmetic, don’t get me wrong. But it should do nothing with animal.  And just want you to realize that before you consider to buy the expensive one cosmetic, look at the way you eat and change it to be better.