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Vegan foods for Pregnancy

by on Wednesday, January 16th, 2008

Pregnant lady who is a vegetarian can still be a vegetarian while they are pregnant. Just to make sure that the pregnancy gets enough nutrition fact which the pregnancy is supposed to have. And all nutrition food can find in vegan food as well.
Since you are pregnant, make sure that you have:

An addition 300 calories per day,

10 – 14 grams of protein,

Vitamin 12 used to tissue synthesis,

Iron which is used to form baby’s blood and increase maternal blood volume,

Calcium/Vitamin D which the pregnancy should get at least 4 or more servings a day which the pregnancy can find in green leafy vegetable, tofu, soymilk and orange juice.

Zinc, which is used for growth and development. It can be found in peas, beans, brown rice.

Folate, normally even non pregnant lady still need it at least 400 microgram a day but 600 microgram for pregnancy. It can be found in Dark green leafy vegetable, whole grain and orange juice.

Pregnancy should make sure that they will get all these nutrition everyday for the benefits both for mom and the kid. It’s the wrong idea that pregnancy should quit of being a vegan as long as the pregnancy has enough nutrition facts which all of them can be found in vegan foods.

Figure out what kind of vegetarian you are

by on Wednesday, January 16th, 2008

There are several types of vegetarians, figure out what kind of vegetarian you are or if you are not vegetarian but interested to be. Here are the alternatives:

1. Vegan – this type of vegetarian is the strictest one. They will not eat any kind of meat or animals also the food which contains with animals product like eggs or cheese. They are totally 100% free from animals.

They also don’t use anything in their which have the death of the animals involves like crocodile bag, fox scarf, the experimental on animals for cosmetics and others. If all people in the world become a vegan, there will be 100% right on animals. Most of the vegan has been inspired from the love in animals and they feel that they make a sin by eating animals.
2. Fruitarian – is the group of people who eat only fruit and vegetable which are already classified as fruit and vegetable such as banana, mango, avocado and others.
3. Raw or Living Food Diet – a group of people who eat raw food without cooking. They believe that the process of cooking like fry, boil, steam and others will lessen the nutrition of the vegetable. But there is an exception for some kind of vegetables which are needed to be cooked in order to be easy to digest but mostly they eat raw.
4. Lacto Ovo Vegetarian – a group of people who don’t eat meat but eat eggs and milk.
5. Lacto Vegetarian – is almost the same with Lacto Ovo Vegetarian but they just only don’t eat eggs or any foods which contain with eggs. They drink milk also.
6. Macrobiotics – this kind of vegetarians is mostly for someone who needs to be diet. They don’t eat any meats but seafood. Most of the vegetables they eat are the vegetable which has contain no sugars and carbohydrate.

How to become a vegan

by on Wednesday, January 16th, 2008

The first thing you have to realize before become a vegan is that you have to know deep down in your heart that you want to be a vegan, not because other people do and you just follow them. It’s not wrong to follow the good example of others but you will not be a vegan for long and don’t feel happy while you’re eating.

Since you realize that you really need to be a vegan. There are many reasons why people turn to be vegans like loving animals, healthy, clean the stomach and more. But since you can focus on what you want to do. You can start by eat less meat as much as possible, reduce the number of meat day by day. At the same time, eat them with vegetable. Until you can stop eating meat, start eating veggies completely. If you’re the one who doesn’t like vegetable, first eating the one you like. There must be some kind of vegetables you like to eat, start from them first.
Start to eat less outside the house but cooking food by yourself and all food should not have meat in it. if you don’t know how to cook, ask someone to do it for you. Your first vegetarian meal should be delicious, so it can convince you to feel good eating them.

Also if you are the person who trust in animal right, it’s a lot easier to stop eating meat. Meat in the opinion of the vegans is just like the dead meat and they don’t eat dead meat to harm their bodies.

Beware of Fruit Juice

by on Wednesday, January 16th, 2008

While you are on diet, fruit must be one of the choices that the person who is on diet chooses to eat. Yes, it’s correct but you have to be careful since fruits contain with sugar and carbohydrates too. If you eat too much fruit, it can make you gain weight as well.

Especially for fruit juice, for instance orange juice. A glass of orange juice must take at least 10-15 oranges which are too much number for people who are on diet. You will get sugar more than the diet people suppose to get.
What’s more, you have to feel torture with the hunger feeling afterward because you take no food but only orange juice. What’s the point to take something which high calories and still make you feel hungry. It’s better to eat raw fruits like real orange, apple, kiwi and others.

Also if you don’t careful enough buying fruit juice which is not 100% contains by fruit. They contain with syrup also and syrup has a lot of sugar which make you gain weight. Many people get wrong idea about fruit and end up with gaining weight instead of losing weight. No matter what you eat, think about the amount of food you eat too even your food contains less calories but since you eat a lot of them, they will give you a lot of calories instead.

Stress is the symptom to harm your health

by on Saturday, January 12th, 2008

Do you know what the symptom of any disease in the world is? It’s the stress. You don’t know how strong the stress feeling can harm your health. Stress feeling can also connect to your body and health, the more you feel stress the more your body will feel tired as well. This is the thing that doesn’t have to take the professional to answer it but you can also feel it with yourself.

For example, when you have a fight with your girlfriend or boyfriend, after that do you feel tired and want to fall asleep? That’s the example of how the stress can harm your health. The job is the basic aspects where we can get the stress from, so if you want to have good health you have to control your stress. I know it’s not easy to take away the stress, that’s why they have the sport, hobby, meditation and other things nourishing in the world. They are for people to relax their mind or convince the mind to focus to something else in order to get rid of stress.