Author Archive

Vegetarian Freebie: ChooseVeg Bumper Sticker.

by on Saturday, April 14th, 2007

Show the world your compassionate food eating ways by getting a free vegetarian bumper sticker, which states “ Boycott Cruelty at Every Meal” it comes from Mercy for Animals in Columbus, Ohio.

Slap that freebie bumper sticker on your car, truck, van, locker, or heck! find a sweet spot on your bike. Visit Mercy for Animals and send a thanxs their way.

Veggie-Omelette Recipe Submissions Wanted

by on Friday, April 13th, 2007

Please email me your favorite Veggie-Omelette recipes. Any type, any ingredient mix, any ethinc-inspired, all are welcomed. The only requirement is that they be a vegetarian or vegan omelette. I will post a few chosen ones here on my blog. Thanxs in advance!

Quik-Tip for Vegetarian Women about Protein

by on Friday, April 13th, 2007

For adult women aged 19-49, it is recommended that we have 45 grams of protein per day.

Good sources of protein include:
Chick Peas – 16.0 gr
Baked Beans – 11.5 gr
Tofu – 10.3 gr
Cow’s Milk – 9.2 gr
Lentils – 9.1 gr
Soya Milk – 8.2 gr
Muesli – 7.7 gr
Bread 7.0 gr

Below is a sample one day meal plan that would reach the protein allowance:

  • Breakfast – 2 ounces of Muesli and 1/4 pint of Milk.
  • Lunch – Two slices of toast and 8 ounces of Baked Beans.
  • Dinner – 7 ounces of Brown Rice, 5 ounces of Tofu, and Fruit or Veggies.

Vegetarian Restaurant – Mention

by on Friday, April 13th, 2007

In Boulder, Colorado on 16th street, you will find Leaf Vegetarian Restaurant which offers a complete meat-free lunch, brunch, happy-hour, and dinner food menu. Their menu is inspired by Asian, Meditarrean, Polish, and Italian influences. Sample Menu Entree: Harissa Eggplant 16-spicy North African eggplant, white bean cake, spinach, red pepper, tomato apricot sauce, chick pea cake, feta. According to their website, reservations are accepted anytime.

Have you visited this restaurant? If so, please email me with your rating and or comments.

Celebrity Vegetarian of The Week!

by on Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

Do you know Carrie Underwood, of American Idol fame, is a Vegetarian? According to wikipedia, she has been meat-free since the age of 13, because of her love of animals. The year 2005 was a very big year for Carrie Underwood, she won the fifth season of American Idol, she was voted “Sexiest Vegetarian” in 2005 by PETA, and she just about won every major music award there was to win that year. Carrie was born in Muskogee, Oklahoma on March 10, 1983 (she is 24) and she supports many veggie organizations and has contributed her name, face and money to more than a few since 2005. We salute Carrie Underwood for being vocal about her meat-free lifetsyle and for shining the light on vegetarianism all over the globe.