Deep Yoga by Bhava Ram

by Bibbi on April 1st, 2012

Deep Yoga, Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times, is a collection of essays on the healing and spiritual powers of Yoga and Ayurveda and their relevance for our modern times. Each chapter contains wisdom from these sacred science and practical tips and tools for applying this wisdom to your daily life. In our modern, fast-paced culture, dominated by mass-media, distraction and superficiality, stress has become epidemic. Modern medical science has come to realize that this stress is at the root of a majority of the physical and mental illnesses that plague our society. Yoga and Ayurveda offer a pathway to deep relaxation and inner-awareness. This leads to connecting with the intrinsic power we all have to self-heal… a power from which we have largely been disenfranchised. As the great sage, Dr. David Frawley, notes in his introduction to this book, “Yoga and Ayurveda together show us how to achieve health, happiness, and well-being on all levels of our lives. Bhava Ram is one of the most dynamic teachers of Yoga and Ayurveda today. Bhava himself was reborn in the fire of disease… and has the wisdom from the other side, as it were, from one who is not attached to the ordinary things of this world. Bhava will show you the deeper dimensions of Yoga and inner healing that he himself has worked through in his own vast array of life-experience. The journalist/news reporter base he comes from has been transformed into a calm spiritual teacher, helpful friend, and compassionate guide for all who come to see him.” See all Editorial Reviews

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