Women Detox

by Bibbi on April 6th, 2011

Detox 4 Women focuses on getting rid of Candida, a problem Rose had seen growing rampant among women in her practice. In doing this, she eliminates fruit and nuts permissible in her former book. She allows some animal products which I don’t agree with (all fish contains mercury and also see The China Study) and incorporates the the principles of proper food combining which I think is great. Her tone is very girlfriend’s guide and she is excited about what she’s doing which gets you excited. Her flexibility on animal products as well as red wine and chocolate might ease some people into the program who may otherwise feel overwhelmed.

Women long for the kind of beauty and health that can only come with clean cells. Yet many women find detox plans difficult to follow and are disappointed with the results. In her ten years of working privately with celebrity clients at leading Manhattan spas, Natalia Rose has discovered that traditional detox plans don’t work for adult women because their microbial balance is completely out of whack. In fact, doing the wrong kind of detox can make their symptoms even worse!

Here is the solution. Rose has formulated a very specific detox prescription for women that is easy to follow and gentle on the system, yet yields fantastic results that are both immediate and lasting. In Detox for Women, she brings you her powerful step-by-step plan that will help you shed weight, look years younger, and radiate energy in only 28 days.

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