Yoga For Dummies by Georg Feuerstein

by Bibbi on April 21st, 2011

Yoga For Dummies guides you slowly, step by step, into the treasure house of Yoga. And it is a fabulous treasure house! You will find out how to unlock your body’s extraordinary potential and enlist your mind to do so, and in the process strengthen your mind as well. This book covers the following topics and more:
Five basic approaches to Yoga
Selecting a Yoga class
Practicing Yoga safely
The mechanics of Yogic breathing
Classic foundational postures
Exercises to target problem areas
Putting together your personal routine
Yoga for special situations
The focus on this book is on Hatha (pronounced haht-ha) Yoga, which is that branch of Yoga that works primarily with the body through postures, breathing exercises, and other similar techniques. When necessary, the book provides helpful photos or illustrations to help you better understand the exercises or postures.
One author (Georg Feuerstein) is internationally recognized as a leading expert on the Yoga tradition and has authored many seminal works on it. The other author (Larry Payne) has a thriving practice as a Yoga teacher in Los Angeles, where he teaches and responds to his clients’ specific health challenges. In this book, their combined 55 years of experience have merged to create a reliable and user-friendly introductory book that can also serve you as a beginner’s reference work on an ongoing basis.

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